Put MCA in order, then talk about leaving BN, says ex-party leader

“Whoever becomes MCA’s next president should be thinking of how to revive the party. If you cannot even carry on as a political party, what is the point of leaving BN?

(FMT) – Former MCA vice-president Yap Pian Hon has advised the party to consider its odds of surviving on its own if it leaves the Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition.

Speaking to FMT, Yap said this was especially as MCA was a Chinese-only political party.

He said the question of whether or not MCA should remain in BN was irrelevant if the party was unsure of its own future as an “appealing” political entity.

“Whoever becomes MCA’s next president should be thinking of how to revive the party. If you cannot even carry on as a political party, what is the point of leaving BN?

“We are alone if MCA leaves BN, because it is a Chinese political party and our support is mainly from the Chinese.

“Even if MCA leaves, it needs allies that can work together with the party to gain the support of other races in the country. Otherwise, leaving BN will leave MCA at a dead end.”

Yap also urged MCA to consider what would happen to Umno, given the party’s current instability.

“(PPBM chairman and Prime Minister) Dr Mahathir Mohamad said Umno is dead, and he has an agenda to ‘kill’ Umno.

“Umno MPs may all quit and join PPBM to make PPBM the number one Malay party, replacing Umno – we don’t know,” he said. “That agenda is still on.”

Yap said Umno too was facing many problems, with its future as a political party in doubt. He also questioned whether it could survive the “political attack” by PPBM.

“The political landscape in the country is now very fluid. We cannot predict what will happen in a few months’ time.

“Until a new chapter comes up, we have to wait and see what happens with the political situation before MCA decides to leave BN.”

Yap however was positive that MCA presidential candidate Gan Ping Sieu had a good chance of becoming the next party leader given that he had the backing of former president Chua Soi Lek.

“Chua still has a lot of support in MCA. Party leaders including Donald Lim (Selangor MCA chairman) and Ong Ka Chuan (MCA secretary-general) are also backing Gan.

“In Selangor, there are 22 divisions. To my knowledge, 12 divisions have voiced their support for Gan. But we are working very hard towards stronger support,” said Yap.

When asked about MCA’s chances under current deputy party president Wee Ka Siong, Yap said the present party leadership had let the party down and should not be reelected.

“MCA needs fresh ideas on how to revive and reform the party. Together with current president Liow Tiong Lai, they led the party, and look where the party is today.

“If you let them lead again, they will only contribute the same ideas.”
