Pakatan needs to learn what Rule of Law means

This shows Malaysia’s Attorney General and Chief Justice do not know their job. Or maybe they have been bought, which is probably more like it.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

The Pakatan Harapan leaders keep talking about the Rule of Law. But then they violate the very principle of the Rule of Law in the way they treat Najib Tun Razak.

Read the BBC news (below) regarding the Lord Hain-Sir Philip Green affair. The former Attorney General says that Lord Hain undermined the rule of law and abused his parliamentary privilege.

Lim Kit Siang and other Pakatan Harapan leaders do this every day. And yet they claim they are upholding the Rule of Law.

The Rule of Law means Najib also has protection from slander and libel

Lord Hain abused his parliamentary privilege, which protects MPs and peers from being prosecuted for libel over statements made in the Commons or Lords.

The former Lord Chief Justice and life peer Baron Judge said he was disappointed in Lord Hain’s decision and said he thought he was wrong.

So there you are. A former Attorney General and former Chief Justice have spoken against what people like Kit Siang and the other Pakatan leaders do every day.

This shows Malaysia’s Attorney General and Chief Justice do not know their job. Or maybe they have been bought, which is probably more like it.


Lord Hain branded ‘arrogant’ for naming Sir Philip Green

(BBC) – Naming Sir Philip Green as the man who prevented a newspaper publishing allegations of sexual and racial harassment was “arrogant”, former Attorney General Dominic Grieve says.

Mr Grieve told the BBC that Lord Hain undermined the rule of law and abused his parliamentary privilege.

Lord Hain defended revealing the name, saying he had received “overwhelming support – particularly from women”.

Sir Philip says he “categorically and wholly” denies the allegations.

The BBC’s Emma Simpson spoke to one former top executive who said he was “genuinely shocked” at the allegations.

The executive said he had never heard or seen a hint of any sexual harassment or racial abuse – but he said Sir Philip could be “very, very aggressive” and “rude to everyone”.

Lord Hain identified the retail tycoon on Thursday using parliamentary privilege, which protects MPs and peers from being prosecuted for libel over statements made in the Commons or Lords.

If Kit Siang does in the UK what he does in Malaysia, the Chief Justice and Attorney General would condemn him

But former Lord Chief Justice and life peer Baron Judge said he was disappointed in Lord Hain’s decision and said he thought he was wrong.

He added: “The consequences are so serious. Whatever we think of Sir Philip… he’s entitled to go to a court as much as anybody else.”

He believes Parliamentary code of practice should be looked at to make it “categorically clear” that a Member of Parliament should not use their privilege to “interfere with the processes of the court and the administration of justice”.

