Guan Eng upset with DAP Datuks

At the end of the day, Chinese just love these titles, awards, datukships, tan-sriships, and so on and are willing to pay a lot of money for them. Some have parted with RM250,000 or even RM500,000 to get a ‘gelaran’. It is in the Chinese psyche. 


Raja Petra Kamarudin

(FMT) – DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng today issued a stern warning to DAP’s elected representatives and councillors who accepted titles and awards.

He threatened to take stern action against those who do.

In a fiery speech, Lim said these DAP representatives should not challenge the party or leadership.

“Some people think that if they become a state Exco member, they can become a Datuk; they feel it’s their right. That is not right. Don’t mess with me. Regardless of your position, I will take action. You were elected to represent the rakyat, not yourself.” (READ MORE HERE)

Actually, the Raja-Raja Melayu or Istana do not ‘offer’ you these awards and titles. You need to fill in a form to request them. If any DAP leaders were given any titles, awards and datukships, that means they asked for them.

DAP said they had previously requested the party’s central leadership to inform the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and state rulers of its decision to prohibit elected representatives and councillors from accepting titles and awards while in active political service.

Don’t tell the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and state rulers. Tell your own DAP leaders. They are the ones who asked for these titles, awards and datukships. The Raja-Raja Melayu did not pandai-pandai offer them without anyone asking for them.

At the end of the day, Chinese just love these titles, awards, datukships, tan-sriships, and so on and are willing to pay a lot of money for them. Some have parted with RM250,000 or even RM500,000 to get a ‘gelaran’. It is in the Chinese psyche.

Guan Eng is dealing with Chinese and it is difficult to stop them from coveting titles, awards, datukships, tan-sriships, etc. How else can these Chinese show they are ‘orang besar’ unless they have these titles and awards?

