What is the religion of the US synagogue shooter?

When he is not Muslim, they will use just his name without mentioning his religion in the report. But if he is Muslim, they will mention his religion in the report. 


Raja Petra Kamarudin

The shooter in Saturday’s deadly shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue, who reportedly yelled “All Jews must die!” as he launched his attack, killing 11 people and wounding six more, has been identified by officials as local resident Robert Bowers.

Yes, he is Robert Bowers and we do not know if he is Catholic, Protestant, Atheist or whatever. We are not being told what religion he believes in or whether he even believes in God.

What religion is Robert Bowers or is he an atheist?

If, however, Robert Bowers is Muslim, then the headlines would scream ‘Muslim’ and ‘Islam’ — and ISIS, Islamic State, the Taliban, Boko Haram, and so on, would appear in the news report.

When he is not Muslim, they will use just his name without mentioning his religion in the report. But if he is Muslim, they will mention his religion in the report.

That is known as the free western press.

By the way, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has ruled that insulting Prophet Muhammad is not freedom of speech or freedom of the media but is, in fact, a criminal offence (READ MORE HERE). So Malaysia need no longer worry about getting whacked for arresting those who insult the Prophet, Islam or the Qur’an.

