Want to join Pakatan? Come on bended knee, Dr M tells BN MPs

(MMO) – Barisan Nasional MPs must resign from the coalition and demonstrate clear remorse and humility before Pakatan Harapan will even consider their entry, said Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

The PH chairman also said his coalition did not currently have plans to admit Opposition lawmakers in numbers as currently rumoured.

“There is no decision to accept them en masse.

“If they leave their party, become neutral, become independent, they support the government and they appeal on bended knee that they want to join us, then we may consider,” he said.

He said, however, that those who were party to pillaging the country would not be allowed into his coalition.

When asked why Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed — a former member of Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s Cabinet — was ushered into PPBM, Dr Mahathir asserted that the former minister has long had misgivings about the Najib administration.

“Even when he was in Najib’s Cabinet, he used to see me; he was not happy but he was afraid.

“A lot of people were scared of Najib. I, too, was scared,” said Dr Mahathir.

He explained how those looking to join were not guaranteed a membership, but would be subjected to the party’s considerations.

He said those with criminal charges hanging over their heads would not be accepted while the others would be considered and evaluated first.

“We will see the quality of the people who want to join, not everyone is guilty.

“But the normal ones who want to be a People’s representative and with no action being taken against them, that we will consider, but not allow them in automatically,” he said.

Dr Mahathir also explained how new members would be added one at a time, to avoid the old guard being overpowered by new admissions.

“If they want to join, join one person at a time.

“After they have left Umno or their old party, become an independent candidate, support the government and then we will see if they have made an application to join,” he said.

