As Julau stink worsens, leader says PKR starting to resemble Umno-BN

(MMO) – The controversial Julau branch of PKR has more members than 30 other party branches in Sarawak combined, central committee member Latheefa Koya pointed out today.

Accusing the PKR political bureau of endorsing fraud with its decision to clear the Julau branch over allegations of phantom voters, she said this was just one of several red flags that should have merited a detailed investigation by the party.

The Julau branch’s membership inexplicably went from 603 people to 13,178 overnight and drew a surfeit of complaints, allegations and formal reports. Against this backdrop, PKR said it found nothing irregular.

“It is also astonishing that the PKR political bureau saw nothing unusual or alarming in the fact that the 30 other PKR divisions in Sarawak have only 9,691 members in total, whereas the single Julau division suddenly has 13,178 members.

“This should have rung alarm bells in the mind of any reasonable person,” Latheefa said in a statement today.

Among others, she said a survey found 1,310 people who reported that they were registered without consent while many others were not even reachable.

Yesterday, the Malaysiakini news portal also reported that over 11,000 purported members of the Julau PKR branch share just 11 addresses.

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