DAP is working with ‘new Umno’, says Gerakan

(The Sun Daily) – Gerakan has asked DAP if it will unilaterally declare that Pakatan Harapan (PH) is dead and form another coalition.

“With the influx of Umno deserters into PH via Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM), how can DAP maintain that it is not cooperating with Umno?” Gerakan vice-president Datuk Baljit Singh (pix) asked today.

“PPBM is now turning into a ‘new Umno’, ignoring democratic spirit, public ethics and even political morality,“ he said in a statement.

“Let us not forget the fact that PPBM is also a splinter party from Umno.”

Referring to the comment by Selangor DAP chairman Gobind Singh that DAP would not cooperate with Umno, Baljit said the Puchong MP was selective in his reply that failed to address growing public criticism against DAP for failing to draw the line on PPBM accepting Umno deserters.

“Even Lim Kit Siang was reportedly welcoming these wantaway Umno MPs into PH by claiming that more Malay support is needed to build a New Malaysia,“ Baljit said.

“Does Gobind agree with Lim that securing more Malay support is an excuse to work with ‘new Umno’ and supplant representative democracy?”

The Gerakan vice-president said Lim should not give his blessing to former Umno leaders who wished to join the PH.

It is not about “atone for sins” or securing more Malay support, Lim or DAP are never in the position to play judge, he said.

“The people demand answer from DAP, silence is complicit, DAP itself was victim of ‘frog culture’ in the 2009 Perak constitutional crisis which saw the collapse of Pakatan Rakyat Perak state government,“ Baljit said.

“Why DAP now condones the same culture and practice by remaining silent or worse by justifying it?

“Will DAP unilaterally declare PH is dead and form another coalition? After all, DAP has done it before in 2015, and we are never too surprised to see DAP repeats the same trick as it could abscond DAP from any responsibilities.”

Alternatively, will DAP review its ties with PPBM if it is so firm and principled about not working with Umno, it should extend to the “new Umno”.
