In ‘new Malaysia’, PPBM is the ‘new Umno’, MCA tells DAP

(FMT) – MCA has welcomed Lim Kit Siang’s statement yesterday that DAP would quit the government if the objectives of the “New Malaysia” could not be achieved.

But MCA vice-president Ti Lian Ker said the term “New Malaysia” must first be defined.

“Firstly, we must outline what New Malaysia is really all about, its core and raw values. For most voters, New Malaysia will do away with all race-based parties,” Ti said today.

Yesterday, Lim said DAP leaders in the government would help “save Malaysia”, but warned that any failure of this objective would result in the party quitting the ruling coalition.

“DAP leaders, whether in government or outside, will have no hesitation in leaving the coalition government if the objective of a New Malaysia is abandoned.

“DAP leaders will never be as spineless as MCA leaders,” said Lim.

Ti referred to PPBM, saying the Malay party was formed to “bridge the Umno gap” by taking in Umno supporters.

He said the party, whose membership is only for the Bumiputeras, has promised that it would eventually become a non-racial party.

“Instead, what is happening now in the New Malaysia is that Pribumi (PPBM) is taking over from Umno and asserting its dominance with the lion’s share of the new government,” said Ti, referring to speculation that ex-Umno leaders would join PPBM in droves.

Ti accused PPBM of promoting “Ketuanan Melayu” as its primary ideology, adding that this was met with “zero” resistance from DAP.

“If this is not abandoning the New Malaysia idealism, then what is?” he asked.

He said DAP was “spineless” for remaining silent on issues such as the third national car and local council elections.

“MCA will continue to be responsible to speak out and be the voice of the minorities in upholding their rightful place under the constitution,” Ti said.

“DAP should convince or evict Pribumi in line with their promises of the New Malaysia,” he added.

