Putrajaya to use old BR1M recipients list for renamed cash handout programme

The first batch of BSH payments amounting to RM300 a family would be made by February 2019, involving 4.1 million registered B40 households and a total of RM1.2 billion.

(FMT) – The government says it has no choice but to use the old list of recipients of Putrajaya’s cash disbursement programme BR1M, now renamed BSH or Cost of Living Aid.

Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng said the move could mean those who are no longer eligible for the assistance would also receive the payments.

“Depending on old data may mean that payments would be made even to recipients who were no longer a part of the B40,” Lim Guan Eng said, referring to those in the lowest household income category.

He said white-listing to remove unqualified recipients could take a long time.

The first batch of BSH payments amounting to RM300 a family would be made by February 2019, involving 4.1 million registered B40 households and a total of RM1.2 billion.

Lim said once the database was reviewed, BSH payments would be done according to the new mechanism announced in Budget 2019.

The new criteria and guidelines for the BSH payments are yet to be announced.

In his Budget 2019 speech, Lim announced that the government would continue to improve the BSH programme to provide targeted financial assistance based on household income.

Households earning RM2,000 and below will be entitled to RM1,000, those earning between RM2,001 and RM3,000 will be entitled to RM750, while those earning between RM3,001 and RM4,000 will be paid RM500.

Eligible recipients will also be entitled to an additional RM120 for every child under 18, up to four children except for disabled children.

