Yearly Archives


The mythical social contract

The fact behind the wording is that the term was used for the first time in 1986 by Datuk Abdullah Ahmad, Umno member of Parliament and journalist – that is, 30 years after independence. Lim Teck…

Over half of Sabah Umno leaders leaving

(The Star) - Sabah Umno is crumbling as its top leaders, particularly its assemblymen, MPs and senators, are making a mass exodus today. The exodus is also expected to see more than half of the 25…

Enough distractions, PH

Kua Kia Soong, FMT Since its victory in the last general election, Pakatan Harapan (PH) has been feeding us an endless stream of distractions while not providing a political economic and…

Review finds Tabung Haji in dire straits

(The Star) - Over-stated profits, under-stated value of assets, an unbalanced profile of depositors and questionable transactions were all uncovered in the review of the financial position of…

TMJ attacks Kadir Jasin

(The Star) - The Johor Crown Prince (Tunku Mahkota Johor or TMJ) says he respects the right of a Dr Xavier Jayakumar to speak up about the Pulau Kukup issue as a minister but blasted bloggger…

Wake-up call for Pakatan govt

The Islamic flavour, the sheer numbers and single-minded purpose of protesters at the anti-Icerd rally means that the government cannot afford to ignore what the Malays want.  Joceline Tan, The…