Yearly Archives


The PTPTN chairman’s apology

Can the borrowers who have benefited from PTPTN loans and have later secured well-paying jobs be justified to put the blame on the government for not fulfilling its pledge of deferring loan…

Of starting and stoking fires

I FIND it incredulous, to the point of being angry even, that there are still people who choose to be in an almost perpetual state of denial. As a taxpayer, I do expect that money spent must…

Shahidan may lose MP seat over charge

Arau MP Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim is facing a jail term of up to 20 years and may lose his MP seat following a molestation charge against him. (The Star) - The former minister in the Prime…

Let’s do the math on gays in Malaysia

According to Budget 2019, Jakim’s total budget in 2018 was RM871,615,400, with a planned increase to RM882,801,000 in 2019. What percentage of this money has Jakim actually been spending on…

Is it really over for Zaid Ibrahim?

That is Malaysian politics for you. View everything ahistorically, and then selectively when it suits your agenda. I think the real issue here was not that Zaid attacked Mahahtir (photo) or Daim,…

ADUN Guar Chempedak Keluar UMNO

Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Guar Chempedak, Datuk Dr. Ku Abdul Rahman Ku Ismail membuat keputusan untuk keluar UMNO dan menjadi ADUN bebas (mynewshub) - Perkara itu diumumkan Speaker…

Straight fight for Gerakan top post

“If the government lowers the voting age to 18, we will be in trouble if we fail to reach the younger generation,” Raja Sara said. (The Star) - It’s going to be a straight fight for the Gerakan…

A reshuffle already on the cards?

Terence Fernandez, The Star IS the first Pakatan Harapan Cabinet already heading for a reshuffle, albeit a minor one? Talk in the corridors of power in Putrajaya and the headquarters of the…