Yearly Archives


Malaysia adalah Tanah Melayu

MT Editorial Team ‘Ketuanan Melayu’ lebih sesuai disebut ‘kedaulatan Melayu’ kerana ia mencakupi kedudukan Raja-raja Melayu dan rakyatnya dan bukannya soal antara ‘tuan’ dan ‘hamba’, titah…

Smoking ban: Whose call?

The problem with the Sarawak government “is that their stand is not clear on not just this issue but all other issues”. (The Borneo Post) - Chong says smoking ban under Ministry of Health which…

New Malaysia still the Old Malaysia

Wong Chun Wai, The Star NO matter how Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia leaders attempt to justify the defection of Umno lawmakers into the party, it still sounds unconvincing and hollow. It’s…

Bangkit wahai Melayu

MT Editorial Team Pakatan Harapan berada didalam keadaan yang sangat kucar-kacir. Di mata rakyat Malaysia, mereka adalah gabungan yang bersatu hati, realitinya mereka sangat benci antara satu…

‘New Malaysia’ dream under threat

Ho Wah Foon, The Star WHEN DAP’s adviser Lim Kit Siang spoke at the “New Malaysia, Old Politics” seminar in Universiti Malaya recently, he said the Pakatan Harapan government needed more than…

Mahathir living on borrowed time

Raja Sara Petra Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is living on borrowed time. And I am not referring to his age but to his term as the seventh prime minister of Malaysia. Mahathir is supposed to hold the…