Yearly Archives


Now, Anifah resigns from Umno

Former foreign minister Anifah Aman has quit Umno, less than 24 hours after the resignation of Supreme Council member Mustapa Mohamed. (FMT) - According to a well-placed source, Anifah has…

Anwar under the spotlight

Anwar’s statement that he would welcome any help to win in Port Dickson, including support from Umno’s Padang Rengas MP Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz, has added to the mistrust and apprehension. M.…

Kit Siang is lying about Jho Low

Anyway, there are no charges yet filed against Jho Low. So why is Kit Siang saying Jho Low should return to Malaysia to defend himself? Defend himself against which charges? Can Kit Siang explain…

Rosmah akan didakwa

(Utusan) - Isteri bekas Perdana Menteri, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor dilaporkan akan berdepan lebih 20 pertuduhan jenayah dalam tempoh terdekat. Laporan NSTP menyebut pasukan penyiasat sudah…