Yearly Archives


Can we afford new fighter jets?

Kua Kia Soong, Malaysiakini Our new Minister of Defence Mohamed Sabu recently dropped a bombshell (well, not literally) when he revealed that only four out of the 28 Russian fighter jets owned…

Understanding DAP’s Chinese agenda

DAP’s agenda is a Chinese agenda but they need to disguise this by claiming they are a multi-racial party. When you talk about racism, Umno is very mild and tame by comparison. At least Umno does…

Let’s debate the caning of women

So, don’t whack PAS or Islam for this. Even Malaysia’s English Common Laws of the Christians consider anal and oral sex a crime. Stop screaming and protesting. Ask Pakatan Harapan to table this…

Pakatan Harapan is BN 2.0

KTEMOC KONSIDERS Dr Boo is just pissing in the wind. Once my erstwhile darling (wakakaka) reprimanded me for describing someone she adored as 'pissing into the wind', and I had to explain to…

Allah testing PPBM, says Muhyiddin

(MMO) - The leadership of Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) exhorted its rank-and file to remember that power is a test, to sacrifice more for the rakyat’s sake, and to constantly remain…