Yearly Archives


The comeback wars of MCA and PAS

MCA cannot just sit on the fence and do nothing over the tie-up between Umno and PAS because the party still needs the BN to take up exco positions in BN-ruled states as well as senatorial posts.…

A very vindictive man

Mahathir has such a vindictive heart that he had to humiliate AAB although the 5th PM has always displayed ultimate courtesy to him. KTemoc Konsiders Star Online - Report: Former premier…

PAS, you are ignorant and intolerant

To expect the whole nation to applaud a controversial decision of a court is being naïve – this is another word for stupid! P. Ramakrishnan, Aliran member Suhakam, the Human Rights Commission,…

‘Unknown factor’ to decide winner

RAFIZI Ramli has become some sort of a James Bond figure in the contest for the PKR polls. Joceline Tan, The Star He has “a licence to kill”, so to speak. The fact that he is neither an MP…

No, Umno was NOT wiped out

And that is going to be the future of Malaysian politics -- a race-based and religion-based unity government with the Chinese and Indians as the opposition. That will be the only way to go for Malay…