Yearly Archives


Guan Eng, the tokong of idiots

So there you have it. Lim Guan Eng made a mistake when he reported that the previous Barisan Nasional government stole RM17.911 billion of the GST refund money. (Actually he said the amount was RM18…

Guan Eng nafi tuduhan Annuar

(Sinar Harian) - Menteri Kewangan, Lim Guan Eng menafikan tuduhan Ahli Parlimen Ketereh, Tan Sri Annuar Musa ketika sesi menjawab di Dewan Rakyat, hari ini. Menurut Guan Eng, tuduhan dibuat…

Mahathir aims to scrap China deals

(AP) - Malaysia’s Prime Minister said Monday he will seek to cancel multibillion-dollar Chinese-backed infrastructure projects that were signed by his predecessor as his government works to dig…

Guan Eng caught lying again

And this is why the Chinese are the most vocal in opposing the GST. And this is why 98% of the Chinese voted Pakatan Harapan -- because they are angry about the GST. And this is why Pakatan Harapan…