Yearly Archives


Could a coalition make a difference?

Party loyalty is not guaranteed now. It’s all about the issues.  Philip Golingai, The Star “LIFE is difficult now. Prices of goods have gone up – egg has gone up, chicken has gone up, fish has…

Umno divided over Pakatan PM

Datuk Seri Azmin Ali and Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein are allegedly the hidden hands behind garnering support for Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.  Joceline Tan, The Star The spate of…

The Malay Dilemma revisited

(FMT) - In what may well be a prelude to a significant policy shift, Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir Mohamad has taken to warning Malays that they are being left behind, that they are not on par with…


Raja Sara Petra For more than 10 years Gerakan has been discussing internally about leaving Barisan Nasional. However, Gerakan was worried that if they left the ruling coalition they would be…

Amanah welcomes ex-Umno MPs

(MMO) - Amanah said today that they were ready to accept any Sabah MPs who left Umno recently, amid rumours of former Umno lawmakers moving towards Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) or PKR.…