CASSA welcomes the decision taken by the government to reintroduce the tested and worked formula of the weekly float with periodic intervention when needed.

This formula has worked in the past for the huge majority of the country and as such timely after attempts by certain stakeholders to manipulate the issue which includes the PDAM!

CASSA also calls for an inter-cabinet task force which includes the country’s lead consumerists with a track record to address and monitor not just the pump prices but the impact of hikes of prices which causes the snow balling and impacts the prices of goods and services in the marketplace.

But when prices come down the prices of the raised items remain unchanged.

This task force should look into this along the same lines of the APM (Approved Price Mechanism) to force stakeholders to bring down prices when national and global prices drop which can only be tenable with such an inter-cabinet task foce and not just the Ministry of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumer Affairs.

Datuk Dr Jacob George 
(Consumers Association of Subang and Shah Alam Selangor  (CASSA)

