No “auta keling” stunt to cover-up commodity “kok” up

Another Brick in the Wall

Teresa Kok’s claimed dubious dealing of the 1,120 acres Sungai Buloh land of the former RRI research station belonging to Malaysian Rubber Board sounded sensational.

RM1 billion lost to suspicious dealing, headlined The Star.

The Edge headlined it as MoF bagged RM780m as middleman in land sale to EPF. With such headline, one can expect Daim’s cynical “market wizard”, Tony Pua to spin another 1MDB-linked expose and claimed this was the money used to pay for IPIC deal.

One can expect Dato Najib to be called in for questioning by MACC, and immediately, set #5 of charges will be made against him without neither the charge sheet nor Investigation Paper ready.

If so, it would be the most extreme attempt to either stop Najib’s FB troll of Lim Guan Eng that embarassingly resulted in U turns in policies or divert attention from Teresa Kok’s failure to revive commodity prices and livelihood of farmers.

Teresa’s last effort was a political nonsense to get her Deputy to ask on Malaysians to consume more palm oil.

Her latest political nonsense attempt to divert attention, from her inability to communicate sensibly, failed miserably.

No protest resignation

Sankara Nair, Anwar Ibrahim’s lawyer that bloggers in the blogosphere then suspect was Teresa’s boyfriend or lover and now MRB chairman, made a boo boo in the extract from The Malay Mail Online below:


