DAP’s New Malaysia has set us back 20 years in terms of unity and harmony

The Third Force

I think Mahathir is either dreaming or still in this place called lalaland…

Prior to the 14th general election, we were told that Barisan Nasional and PAS were reasons our country could not achieve complete harmony as the two were instigating the Chinese using Hadi’s proposed amend to the Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) (Amendment) Act 1965.

Then, when Pakatan Harapan wrested control of government, we were told that suddenly, all problems were resolved as the races were no longer disengaged from one another but united under the banner of a brand “New Malaysia.”

Then, from out of nowhere, the Seafield Hindu temple riot happened.

The riot was the first of its kind since Mahathir left office in 2003 and cost one Malay-Muslim firefighter his life.

The riot was racially motivated no matter what the guys at Bukit Aman or Pakatan Harapan tell you.

The man who helped fuel the riot was none other than P Waytha Moorthy, a Minister in Mahathir’s government entrusted to look after the wellbeing of people.

It was Waytha’s instigation that led to the escalation of violence and the subsequent loss of the firefighter’s life.

To date, not only has Waytha refused to apologise, Mahathir has refused to sack him despite the overwhelming public outrage against him.

Even PDRM is reluctant to act against the minister.

And here we have Mahathir telling us to come together as if nothing had ever happened.


