Monthly Archives

January 2019

拉惹柏特拉再撂狠话 华人不是“马来人的救星”

(吉隆坡2日讯)争议部落客拉惹柏特拉再撂狠话,指马来人不曾邀请华人来发展这个国家,因此华人不应因我国今日的发展而自称“马来人的救星”,要求马来人感激他们。 他今日在“今日大马”撰文指出,华人总是说若1800年代没有迁移马来亚的话,马来人现在就会继续住在树上和靠吃木薯度日,可是事实是马来人很满意他们的生活,根本不需外人帮助改善生活。…

Rough seas could await Equanimity

Zaidi Azmi It may not be a testament of innocence but the United States government’s decision to dislodge superyacht Equanimity from its lawsuit over the 1MDB controversy has bestowed its…


CASSA welcomes the decision taken by the government to reintroduce the tested and worked formula of the weekly float with periodic intervention when needed. This formula has worked in the past…

Rulers had special meeting

(NST) - A RARE and unscheduled meeting among rulers took place here on Wednesday night, following the end of Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah’s duties as acting Yang di-Pertuan Agong in the absence…

PPBM is Umno 3.0

PPBM's vice president said the PPBM branch and division leaders need millions to win the elections and government money should be channelled to them

No decision on fuel prices

(The Star) - The Cabinet has yet to decide on fuel prices. The weekly float system, which was supposed to start from Jan 1, has been put on hold as the government reviews it. Yesterday, the…