Why is Bangladesh’s economy booming?
Bangladesh is usually overshadowed by regional superpowers India and Pakistan. But the nation, which was once called a “basketcase”, is now being termed as the new “Asian tiger”, all thanks to its economic growth.
(NIKKEI ASIAN REVIEW) – Bangladesh defies economic and political gravity. Since its 1971 war of independence with Pakistan, the country has been known for its tragedies: wrenching poverty, natural disasters and now one of the world’s biggest refugee crises, after the influx of 750,000 Rohingya Muslims fleeing persecution in neighboring Myanmar.
Yet, with remarkably little international attention, Bangladesh has also become one of the world’s economic success stories. Aided by a fast-growing manufacturing sector — its garment industry is second only to China’s — Bangladesh’s economy has averaged above 6% annual growth for nearly a decade, reaching 7.86% in the year through June.
From mass starvation in 1974, the country has achieved near self-sufficiency in food production for its 166 million-plus population. Per capita income has risen nearly threefold since 2009, reaching $1,750 this year. And the number of people living in extreme poverty — classified as under $1.25 per day — has shrunk from about 19% of the population to less than 9% over the same period, according to the World Bank.
Earlier this year, Bangladesh celebrated a pivotal moment when it met United Nations criteria for graduating from “least developed country” status by 2024. To Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, the elevation to “developing economy” means a significant boost to the nation’s self-image.