Dear Tun, I wish to return to Malaysia

So, YAB Tun, I wish to openly and formally request your permission to return to Malaysia to help the authorities investigate Guan Eng’s corruption involving the Penang Undersea Tunnel since I have been challenged in Parliament to do that. If, however, you still need DAP to stay in power and are not yet ready to send Guan Eng to jail, then I will turut titah.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Dear YAB Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, the Right Honourable Prime Minister of Malaysia,

I saw a video recording of the third day of the Parliament session today where one Tamil Member of Parliament from Penang, RSN Rayer, that Indian chap with the white chalk on his forehead, challenge me to return to Malaysia to repeat my allegation that your Finance Minister, Lim Guan Eng, has committed a crime of corruption involving the Penang Undersea Tunnel.

Over the last ten years I have been challenged many times to return to Malaysia to repeat my many allegations if I dare or have the guts to do so. On top of that I have been sued many times, even by the richest Malaysian, Robert Kuok. For example, Dr Nordin Kadri, the VC of UUM, has sued me. Najib Tun Razak’s lawyer, Muhammad Shafee Abdullah, has sued me. And these are prominent people and both times I never defended myself and they won their case against me by default.

RSN Rayer challenged me in Parliament to return to Malaysia and repeat my corruption allegation against Lim Guan Eng

Anyway, I normally tak layan all those challenges for me to return to Malaysia to repeat my allegations — if I dare. Challenging each other is the normal modus operandi or SOP for Pakatan Harapan people, even for Barisan Nasional people for that matter. I remember once when Samy Vellu challenged Karpal Singh to step outside Parliament and repeat his allegation. In short, Samy ajak Karpal bertumbuk in normal Indian toddy shop style.

On the second day of Parliament, the PKR MP for Johor Bharu, Akmal Nasrullah Mohd Nasir, accused PAS and its leaders of receiving RM90 million from Najib or Umno. But there was not really that much huru-hara or Indians with chalk on their forehead going berserk, as the Malays would normally say, like ‘keling macam kapal nak karam’. However, today, when the issue of Guan Eng’s corruption was raised in Parliament, you could see that black face turning red like a tomato — and that is not easy to achieve, mind you.

Nevertheless, while I have received many challenges to return to Malaysia before this, this is the first time the challenge was made in Parliament. And since the challenge was made in the August House and allegations were made that I am a coward (and since all this is now recorded in the Hansard, which means for thousands of years people will still be able to read what happened in Parliament today) I have no choice but to defend my dignity by returning to Malaysia to repeat my allegation.

Zarul Ahmad Mohd Zulkifli said in his statement to the MACC that he paid Lim Guan Eng and a few others bribes to get the Penang Undersea Tunnel project

However, I do not want to just buy a plane ticket and land in Kuala Lumpur because I might be turned away at the Immigration checkpoint and be deported as an undesirable. I want to make sure the government knows that I am returning to Malaysia to cooperate with the government and to make sure corrupt leaders get their just desserts, just like what you said you want for Najib.

Actually, to be honest, I admit that I also want to be treated like a returning conquering hero and be given VVIP treatment and be invited to tea at Putrajaya — just like Clare Rewcastle Brown and Xavier Andre Justo were when they returned to Malaysia after the GE14 of May 2018. After all, I did exactly like what they did so why should I not be treated the same?

I know I will need to hand over the MACC investigation papers to the government to prove my allegation that Guan Eng is corrupt to the core. And I know if I do not do this then there is no way Guan Eng can be sent to jail. I also know that these MACC investigation papers are protected by the Official Secrets Act (OSA) and that my being in possession of them is a crime and that I, too, may end up in jail.

I suppose this in an occupational hazard. If I want to see Guan Eng and all those other crooks go to jail I have to face the risk of also being sent to jail. But this is a price I am prepared to pay if the end result would be to see the end of Chinese political domination in Malaysia and to see DAP buried for good.

“Jika takut pada risiko, jangan bicara soal perjuangan”: Rendra

“Jika takut pada risiko, jangan bicara soal perjuangan,” said the famous Indonesian poet and activist, W.S. Rendra, in his puisi Perjuangan. And that is what I need to do here. If I want to see Guan Eng being sent to jail then I must face that same risk.

So, YAB Tun, I wish to openly and formally request your permission to return to Malaysia to help the authorities investigate Guan Eng’s corruption involving the Penang Undersea Tunnel since I have been challenged in Parliament to do that. If, however, you still need DAP to stay in power and are not yet ready to send Guan Eng to jail, then I will turut titah.

