Erdogan says time has come for Hagia Sophia to be a mosque

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Wednesday (Mar 27) it was time to rename Istanbul’s landmark Hagia Sophia as a mosque, saying that it had been a “very big mistake” to convert it into a museum.

(Channel News Asia) – “Hagia Sophia will not be called a museum. It will be taken out of that status. We will call Hagia Sophia a mosque,” Erdogan told A Haber television during an interview.

“Those who come to Hagia Sophia will visit Hagia Sophia mosque,” he said.

The former church and mosque, now a museum, often sparks tensions between Christians and Muslims over Islamic activities held there, including the reading of verses from the Koran or collective prayers.

Its secular status allows believers of all faiths to meditate, reflect or simply enjoy the astonishing architecture of a building dating back to the sixth century.

Erdogan is campaigning for votes for his Justice and Development Party (AKP) ahead of municipal elections on Mar 31.

