Neither Jack Ma nor Raja Petra, denials not believable

Another Brick in the Wall

Raja Petra Kamarudin was requested to retract a posting he claimed Jack Ma met Lim Guan Eng and Tony Pua in Hong Kong to explain the reason Ali will not invest in Malaysia.

The reason cited was new government of Malaysia’s inability to honour on its promises and agreements. RPK had retracted the posting and published’s letter. The original posting can be found in The Coverage here.

He may have given the earlier posting and reply posting a political spin, but it is no victory for PH to shame RPK and nothing for unschooled cybertrooper to gloat the cheap thrill of claiming RPK was caught lying.

For any true writer, especially those with brass balls like RPK, there will always be hits and misses. This is not a miss yet. Despite the retraction, RPK had not gone down on his knees to apologise but had fun twisting it towards Clare Rewcastle Brown.

An informant with confirmed media and IT sources alerted yours truly of the meeting. The founder-entrepreneur Jack Ma may have denied it, but’s substantial shareholder and the Chinese Communist Party member could have said those words.

Although the diplomatic businessman he may have given complimentary words to Tun Dr Mahathir during his call in June last year and met him together with Lim Guan Eng., it was to test out the new government.

Jack Ma was invited by Guan Eng to Penang to review their e-commerce plan. More than a week  later, Penang government was still reiterating the same invitation without any progress. Till today, no update still of Jack Ma accepting the invite. .

After a year, it is not a surprise that Guan Eng and his befuddling wunder boy, Oxfordian Tony Pua may a trip to Hong Kong. It is not a difficult to check with kaki inside Immigration on whether they went to Hong Kong or not.


