Again, Guan Eng sabotaging Daim …. and 2 million Malaysians

Another Brick in the Wall

The same day Tun Daim delivered a personal letter from the Prime Minister to his China counterpart, Li Keqiang and it was the same day Lim Guan Eng sabotaged the meeting.

On top of getting friendly parties to question Daim’s role as representative of PM and Chairman of CEP, speculation was Guan Eng got Tommy Thomas to direct MACC to raid China’s CCCC office in Kuala Lumpur that morning itself.

It is believed that Daim was negotiating with Jho Loh at the time, and he was to be China’s “bargaining chip” in the ECRL negotiations.

Guan Eng’s sabotage did not make Tun Dr Mahathir’s visit in August memorable and beneficial. Worsen by Mahathir’s insinuation of China as “new version of colonialism” with his comment of free trade versus fair trade.

Mahathir made Guan Eng lose face by publicly announcing Daim the exclusivity to negotiate with China. Guan Eng may agree Daim as the better person, but it does not mean he will take it laying down.

Guan Eng is vengeful and retaliatory in nature. He could sabotage Daim’s on-going negotiation with China on the ECRL. This time it could be done on the oil palm negotiation with China.

Arrogant, stubborn and uncouth

The arrogant, stubborn and uncouth Guan Eng will not admit he was rude and condescending to China’s first attempt to reach out to the new government.

After GE14, Chinese NGO delegates as arranged by local Chinese businessmen came to pay respect.

Guan Eng berated them of China’s dealings with the previous government. After a while, the delegates lost their patiance and told him off, “We know about Taiwan”.

Immediately, Guan Eng’s face was glowing red.

That incident resulted in him being left out of Mahathir’s entourage during last year’s China visit. There was also talk then that his visa for China was rejected.

So Raja Petra’s retracted revelation of Guan Eng and Tony Pua being told off by Jack Ma make a lot of sense.

It would be no surprise China requested Mahathir to formally announce Guan Eng will not represent Malaysia to negotiate with China.

China is teaching Guan Eng a lesson and it may not be enough to have him reluctantly expressed Malaysia’s commitment to BRI.

Penang tunnel return

Guan Eng is not in the comfortable position to retaliate openly to all this shameful actions against him. Raja Petra’s revelation of MACC’s IP could make investigation of the Penang tunnel conveniently expedited.

The Speaker of Dewan Rakyat could hold off the tunnel issue from being debated in Parliament with the excuse the issues are sourced from media and portals.

Did the then opposition not debate on 1MDB issues based on WSJ, The Edge and Sarawak Report?

Guan Eng’s insecurity and restless is enough for the Malaysian public to conclude the tunnel is his 1MDB and Jalan Pinhorn is his SRC.

From then till today, public discussion is being directed towards the consultancy paid by Penang state government, cost to build new highways, Dato Zarul Ahmad of Consortium Zenith-BCUG pay-offs, and exchanged land that still need be reclaimed.

Money trail still need be done. Evidence need gathered, especially the one involving moneygame MBI International.

The more damaging part had been left out. Media did not give sufficient coverage on the lower hanging fruit, which is the land reclaimed, developed and properties already sold by Ewein Berhad!

Who took the money? 

The pay-off could implicate politicians from both side of the divide.

It is believed that 5 Penang DAP politicians were recipients; namely, Guan Eng as former CM, Chow Koon Yeow as former exco and current CM, P Ramasamy as Deputy CM, Dato Malik “Itik” bin Abdul Rahman, former exco and current Chairman of MAIPP and Lim Hock Seng.


