No Rulers means no Islam and no Sharia

And removing this confusion regarding overlapping laws by removing the Sharia laws is good. It is also just because currently Muslims are not treated equally with non-Muslims. Muslims are punished for certain ‘crimes’ while non-Muslims are not. And this is not fair.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

There are those who want to retain Malaysia as an Islamic Constitutional Monarchy.

There are those who wish to see Malaysia turned into a Secular Constitutional Monarchy.

There are those who wish to see Malaysia turned into an Islamic State with a Monarchy.

There are those who wish to see Malaysia turned into an Islamic Republic.

There are those who wish to see Malaysia turned into a Secular Republic.

Whatever it may be, this can be solved very easily. Just do a Referendum like what Australia and the UK did. Australia’s Referendum was about the Queen as Australia’s head, and the UK Referendum was regarding Brexit.

If we want to turn Malaysia into a Secular State, like what DAP wants, then the Monarchy has to be abolished as well. You cannot turn Malaysia into a Secular State if you retain the Raja-Raja Melayu.

Once 51% of Malaysians vote for Malaysia to be turned into a Secular State, which means Malaysia will also be a Republic, as you must remove the Raja-Raja Melayu first for Malaysia to be turned into a Secular State, the Sharia laws will also automatically go as well.

And removing this confusion regarding overlapping laws by removing the Sharia laws is good. It is also just because currently Muslims are not treated equally with non-Muslims. Muslims are punished for certain ‘crimes’ while non-Muslims are not. And this is not fair.

No Rulers means no Islam and no Sharia

So, the Republicans are happy. The Secularists are happy. The gay rights supporters are happy. The drinkers are happy. The sex swingers are happy. The gamblers are happy.

The only unhappy people will be 49% of Malaysians who are extremists and Taliban and think that Malaysia is Saudi Arabia of 1,400 years ago. But then in a democracy, Pakatan Harapan does not care two hoots about what the 49% want.


It Started All Over Again

Dear Raja Petra Kamarudin,

Yang Mulia, I wrote to you back in 2016 ( ). I did not anticipate PH to win and be the federal government of the day and surely, I did not anticipate that old doctor to be the prime minister again.

Whenever I read about Dr. M spewing republican tinged vitriol and that his vitriolic statements were made news, I could read from comments (in Facebook and Twitter), that there are Malaysians who are unashamed republicans. Oh dear, good grief.

Y.M. RPK, have you got any idea we could do to counter such treacherous ideas of republicanism in our tanah air ? As a staunch monarchist, I believe that something has to be done and that we must not just take this sitting down.  When a Ruler does nothing, these republicans open their big mouth and say that this ruler does nothing and so a waste on tax payers’ money and when a Ruler really does something , they turn around and say that his action is undemocratic, behaving like a kleptocrat or autocrat: what the hell?

This is too much, Yang Mulia, this is really too much and this only happens when that grand old man speaks against the Royalty and in this case, HM The Sultan of Johor. Absolutely saddening indeed.

Your faithful reader,

James Saw 

