Quit yapping about becoming PM or you will face an unexpected situation, Rais Yatim tells Anwar

(MMO) – Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim should carry out his duties as an MP with sincerity instead of harping on about the so-called “political promise” to make him the next prime minister, Tan Sri Rais Yatim has said.

The Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) member told Utusan Malaysia that there should be no haste in becoming prime minister, as he said Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad only reveals to the public a quarter of his thoughts, while keeping the rest for “rainy days”, explaining that no one knows his true intentions.

“I have known him since 1973 in the present situation, those who are chasing to become the prime minister or fighting to take over the post, there will be a time where he will face an unexpected situation.

“Secondly, those who become the deputy prime minister will not necessarily become the prime minister. There are many examples such as Tun Musa Hitam, Ghafar Baba, and even Anwar himself.

“What is important is, do your job sincerely and let the process run its course. It is not smart to say ‘oh, it has been promised to me.’ That is a political promise, not a promise done by the commissioner of oath. To say ‘oh, I will be [the next prime minister], the matter has been set,’ I don’t believe it will be that simple,” Rais told the Malay daily.

Amid the sex video scandal tainting Pakatan Harapan (PH) component party PKR, Rais said the scandal was seen as a concerted attack on Economic Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Azmin Ali, who was implicated in the sex video.

The Negri Sembilan PPBM chairman said the efforts to tarnish Azmin’s reputation are not yet over, adding that the latter would be able to overcome the scandal when investigations are completed.

“Logically, Azmin’s star continues to shine, and this is felt by certain parties in PKR who see that this would give Anwar a slimmer chance.

“But what is important is that the power of the prime minister is under the Constitution, while the deputy prime minister’s post is not written in the Constitution. The position is only a stepping stone,” he said.

Citing Dr Mahathir as being comfortable with Azmin, Rais said the PKR president may be restless over the former’s decision to select the latter’s deputy for the Cabinet.

Rais added that Dr Mahathir could remain as the prime minister for one term to fulfil the latter’s aspirations for the country, as well as PH’s election manifesto.

