The Latheefa-Guan Eng blunder

More importantly, how many from the 408 names are Umno or Barisan Nasional people who have since defected to Pakatan Harapan? Is this why the list is now only 41 names and not 408 names? And are some of these 367 being blackmailed, which is why they are going for only the 41 but holding back on the 367?


Raja Petra Kamarudin

1. Why Was The MACC List Reduced From 408 Names To Just 41?

2. Ada Lagi Senarai Terima Wang 1MDB

3. Bung Persoal SPRM Berhubung Kehilangan Senarai Penerima Dana 1MDB

4. MACC Dep Chief: More Entities Received 1MDB Monies Than 41 Named So Far

5. MACC’s Warning To The Anwarists


The trouble is politicians love holding press conferences, issuing press releases and talking to reporters. Lim Kit Siang is one example who boasts that he has written/spoken 10 million words in his political career. And, today, many of those words he wrote/spoke are coming back to haunt him.

For example, it was Kit Siang who told Parliament in 1994 that Bank Negara lost RM31.5 billion gambling in the forex market. And he blamed Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Tun Daim Zainuddin and Anwar Ibrahim for it. In fact, Kit Siang even demanded Anwar’s resignation and said he is not fit to be the Finance Minister.

And, since then, Kit Siang has been repeating this mantra for years. However, today, Kit Siang is keeping very quiet because Mahathir, Daim and Anwar are DAP’s partners in Pakatan Harapan. Kit Siang wishes he had not been too aggressive on the issue and demanded an RCI to investigate this scandal so that the criminals (Mahathir, Daim and Anwar) can be punished for gambling away RM31.5 billion of Bank Negara’s money.

This has been the problem faced by those who talk too much and hold press conferences and issue press statements. They later get caught by their own words and actions. And we even have officers from the MACC, PDRM, etc., caught in this “talk too much, call press conference and issue press statement” syndrome.

Basically, Malaysians suffer from foot-in-mouth disease and do not seem to understand that loose lips sink ships.

Another example is the list of names of people who were alleged to have received money from 1MDB. In July last year, they announced that 408 people/organisations received more than RM1 billion from 1MDB. Today, they say it is 41 people/organisations and only RM270 million. And the MACC issued forfeiture notices to those 41.

Then Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng announces that the list is actually more than 41 names. MACC then announces Guan Eng is right and that later they are going to issue forfeiture notices for the others as well, meaning another 367 people/organisations.

Why later? Why not now? Why go for 41 first and then 367 later? And is it going to be another 367 or just another 100 or so? If just another 100 then what about the 267 more? Have they been pardoned?

See, when you talk too much you open yourself to questions. Why in the first place do so many people need to make announcements and issue press statements? Just go and do your work without holding so many press conferences and issuing so many press statements. Then you will not look inconsistent and contradictory and will not have to keep doing U-turns.

Mustapa Mohamed is one of those Umno people in the list of 408 names who have been pardoned

Actually, the 408 people/organisations did not receive more than RM1 billion from 1MDB. These 408 people/organisations receive more than RM1 billion from Umno. But the MACC said it is the same thing. If they received money from Umno then it means they received money from 1MDB because Umno’s money came from 1MDB.

Najib Tun Razak denied this and said the money came from the Saudi government/royal family. Mahathir rubbished that and said the Arabs are not that generous to donate RM2.6 billion to Najib or Umno. (Actually, according to the US, the Saudis have donated US$150 billion to various leaders/countries over the last few decades).

Many PPBM leaders are going to go down, Muhyiddin and Mukhriz included, if the full list of 408 names involving more than RM1 billion is released

Anyway, in Najib’s ongoing SRC International trial, the witnesses confirmed that the money did, in fact, come from the Arabs. And because of this very damaging testimony in favour of Najib, the Attorney General, Tommy Thomas, has asked for Najib’s 1MDB trial to be postponed to October. It seems they need to rethink their case.

So, if the money came from Umno and if Umno’s money came from the Arabs, how can the MACC slap the 41 people with civil forfeitures? And, if the money was stolen, why civil forfeiture and not a criminal case? And, since the 1MDB trial is going to be in four months time, how can they allege the money came from 1MDB when the SRC trial says it came from the Arabs?

More importantly, how many from the 408 names are Umno or Barisan Nasional people who have since defected to Pakatan Harapan? Is this why the list is now only 41 names and not 408 names? And are some of these 367 being blackmailed, which is why they are going for only the 41 but holding back on the 367?

