Be fair, Haziq appeals to Dr M over gay sex video controversy

(FMT) – Haziq Aziz, the individual at the centre of the gay sex video controversy, today appealed to the prime minister to consider the evidence of alleged wrongdoing by a federal minister implicated in the video.

In a Facebook post, Haziq appealed to Dr Mahathir Mohamad to be fair in the matter and to do what was best for the nation.

“YAB Tun Mahathir, Malaysians are still mocking me for my confession on video,” the Santubong PKR Youth chief wrote.

Mahathir had previously dismissed the video clips as fake and said Haziq had a political agenda, leading the latter to question the Pakatan Harapan government’s sincerity.

Earlier this month, Haziq shocked the nation when he admitted that he was one of two men filmed engaging in homosexual acts at a hotel in Sandakan in May.

The former private secretary to Deputy Primary Industries Minister Shamsul Iskandar Mohd Akin also named Economic Affairs Minister Mohamed Azmin Ali as the other person in the video.

Azmin has strongly denied the claim and has threatened to take legal action.

Haziq is being investigated for several offences including carnal intercourse against the order of nature and distribution of obscene material.

In his Facebook post, Haziq went on to say that despite the available evidence, many still label him a slanderer which, he claimed, was due to Azmin’s influence over several quarters.

He said it was “impossible” if one were to view this matter objectively, coupled with the efforts of the authorities to “deem everything as unauthentic”.

“Hear me out and don’t dismiss me.”

Haziq went on to apologise to all Malaysians and pleaded for them to see him as a victim in this controversy.

