Bukit Aman nabs PKR leader, two others in JB over sex clips scandal

So far eight PKR people have been arrested, including one of the gay porn actors

(MMO) – A federal police team have arrested three men, including a PKR leader, in Johor today to assist in investigations into a sex videos scandal targeting Economic Affairs Minister Mohamed Azmin Ali (pic).

It was learnt that a police team from Bukit Aman Criminal Investigations Department’s (CID) classified investigations unit arrested the three men in several locations in the city centre here today.

The trio are aged between 29 and 37 years old.

Among those detained was a 37-year-old state PKR leader who is also a political secretary to a party MP.

When contacted by Malay Mail, Johor police chief Datuk Mohd Kamaruddin Md Din confirmed the arrest in the state but did not elaborate further.

Later, Bukit Aman CID chief Datuk Huzir Mohamed when contacted also confirmed the arrest of the three men in Johor Baru today.

“I can confirm that the three men were arrested to assist a probe in connection with a sex video recently made viral,” he said.

Yesterday, former Santubong PKR Youth chief Haziq Abdullah Abdul Aziz and five men were remanded until July 20 to assist in the investigation of the sex video scandal.

On Sunday night, Haziq and the five suspects were arrested in a police operation at multiple locations in the Klang Valley to assist investigations under Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998. Two have been identified as PKR members.

They were all remanded for six days until July 20.

The day before that, Inspector-General of Police Datuk Seri Abdul Hamid Bador announced that investigators have learned the identities of those behind the sex videos that allegedly involve Azmin.

The sex clips first emerged in May and former Santubong PKR Youth chief Haziq then claimed he was one of two men in them and accused Azmin of being the other.

Azmin has consistently rejected the allegation while PKR sacked Haziq earlier this month.

