Mahathir menegakkan benang yang basah

Mahathir should not have released that statement above. This has created worse damage than what the IGP and AG did. This is like the final nail of many nails in Mahathir’s coffin. Sayang! Mahathir has just improved Anwar’s chances of ousting him. If Anwar is smart he can use today’s statement to finish off Mahathir. Anyway, Mahathir’s statement today is a confirmation that in 1998 Anwar DID commit a crime of sodomy.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

This is what Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad wrote today:

1. I have been accused of contradicting my own stand in my response towards alleged sexual improprieties affecting a member of my Cabinet in 1998 and the on-going sex video issue linking another member of my current Cabinet.

2. There is no contradiction.

3. The action taken in 1998 was not based on the video clip. That came later. The court had already made its decision. The subsequent videos did not influence the court or anyone else. It did not influence me.

4. In this recent case, the video came first. Obviously it is an attempt to blacken the name of the particular person in order to blight his future.

5. If I were to take the action expected of me I would become an accessory to the plot. I have no intention to become the instrument of the plotters. I will not be a part of such dirty politics.


The good old days before 1998

According to intelligence reports, the manner in which IGP Abdul Hamid Bador and Attorney-General Thomas Thomas @ Mohan A/L K.Thomas are handling the Azmin Ali Semburit gay porn video is seriously hurting the Pakatan Harapan government. This blunder is the worst ever since May 2018 — and since May 2018 Pakatan Harapan has committed many major blunders. That is why Mahathir was forced to issue his statement today (SEE ABOVE).

But then Mahathir’s statement is full of errors and yet he says there is no contradiction. In 1998, action was taken against Anwar Ibrahim even before he was arrested, charged or convicted. So, it is not true that “the court had already made its decision.” And there was no video, as Mahathir claims, “that came later”.

Mahathir should have just kept quiet and said nothing. Mahathir’s statement today has utterly destroyed whatever little credibility there is left and convinces people even more that he is going out of this way to protect Azmin Ali. If anyone thought earlier that there is no cover up, today’s statement confirms that there is.

Who the hell is advising Mahathir and did this person prepare this statement today? That person should be fired.

Anwar was not arrested for sodomy but for being a threat to national security

Anyway, back in 2004, Mahathir said in an interview in Japan that he sacked Anwar because his number two was plotting behind his back. Mahathir never mentioned the sodomy case. Instead, Mahathir related how Anwar was trying to oust him and hence had to be sacked.

So, the reason Mahathir acted against Anwar was NOT because of sodomy if you go by what Mahathir said in his interview in Japan in 2004. And even if it was, that action took place three weeks BEFORE Anwar was arrested. And Anwar was arrested not for the crime of sodomy but because he was a “threat to national security.” The sodomy allegation came later when they needed an excuse to keep Anwar in jail.

Mahathir should not have released that statement above. This has created worse damage than what the IGP and AG did. This is like the final nail of many nails in Mahathir’s coffin. Sayang! Mahathir has just improved Anwar’s chances of ousting him. If Anwar is smart he can use today’s statement to finish off Mahathir. Anyway, Mahathir’s statement today is a confirmation that in 1998 Anwar DID commit a crime of sodomy.

