Monthly Archives

July 2019

Will Azmin accept Anwar’s olive branch?

Anwar is very aware that his aspiration to become the next prime minister also rests on his ability to keep his party in one piece. People are not going to take him seriously if his party breaks…

Worst yet to come for PKR, say analysts

“A truce will likely only happen when Anwar and Azmin agree on who gets what when one of them becomes prime minister.” (FMT) - Political analysts warn that more conflict could lie in store for…

Anwar Ibrahim’s days are numbered

S Thayaparan, Malaysiakini “They conclude it was an evil conspiracy to bring down the person in the video, whom they were not able to identify for sure. You can’t be more comical than this.” – …

Fallout at point of no return

Joceline Tan, The Star ANOTHER bombshell has just fallen – the sex video, which has dominated the headlines, is more likely to be authentic than a deepfake. The revelation will further…

Lim Kit Siang sah sakit otak

Lim Kit Siang said Malaysia has transformed into a nation of integrity. Kit Siang must be suffering from some sort of swine fever that has affected his brain. How can he come to that conclusion when…