Old Malaysia versus New Malaysia

It is now almost 16 months since the 9th May 2018 general election, a.k.a. GE14, when the New Malaysia was formed to replace the Old Malaysia. Let us do a progress report on some of the differences, changes or reforms we are seeing in the New Malaysia compared to the Old Malaysia of pre-GE14. This list, of course, is only part of these changes or reforms.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Old Malaysia: Shia Islam was banned and was classified as a deviant form of Islam.

New Malaysia: Shia Islam is banned and is classified as a deviant form of Islam

Old Malaysia: The Bahasa Malaysia Bibles were not allowed to use the word “Allah”.

New Malaysia: The Bahasa Malaysia Bibles are not allowed to use the word “Allah”.

Old Malaysia: The Lynas rare earth factory was allowed to operate.

New Malaysia: The Lynas rare earth factory is allowed to operate.

Old Malaysia: Anwar Ibrahim was the prime minister-in-waiting.

New Malaysia: Anwar Ibrahim is the prime minister-in-waiting.

Old Malaysia: Malaysia’s external debts were RM680 billion (or RM960 billion if including guarantees).

New Malaysia: Malaysia’s external debts are RM760 billion (or RM1.16 trillion if including guarantees).

Old Malaysia: Cronyism, nepotism and abuse of power was rampant in Malaysia.

New Malaysia: Cronyism, nepotism and abuse of power is rampant in Malaysia.

Old Malaysia: The MACC, PDRM, and AGC acted as tools of the ruling party.

New Malaysia: The MACC, PDRM, and AGC act as tools of the ruling party.

Old Malaysia: The Malaysian education system sucked.

New Malaysia: The Malaysian education system sucks.

Old Malaysia: Anal and oral sex between husbands and wives were crimes that attracted a jail sentence of up to 20 years upon conviction.

New Malaysia: Anal and oral sex between husbands and wives are crimes that attract a jail sentence of up to 20 years upon conviction.

Old Malaysia: Christians could not preach Islam to Muslims.

New Malaysia: Christians cannot preach Islam to Muslims.

Old Malaysia: Extramarital sex was a crime for Muslims.

New Malaysia: Extramarital sex is a crime for Muslims.

Old Malaysia: Muslims could not drink liquor and would face arrest if caught.

New Malaysia: Muslims cannot drink liquor and would face arrest if caught.

Old Malaysia: Muslims could not leave Islam.

New Malaysia: Muslims cannot leave Islam.

Old Malaysia: Unilateral conversion to Islam was allowed.

New Malaysia: Unilateral conversion to Islam is allowed.

Old Malaysia: Many non-Malays could not speak the national language properly even when they were born in Malaysia.

New Malaysia: Many non-Malays cannot speak the national language properly even when they are born in Malaysia.

Old Malaysia: The Malays and Bumiputeras were allowed certain privileges under Article 153 of the Federal Constitution of Malaysia.

New Malaysia: The Malays and Bumiputeras are allowed certain privileges under Article 153 of the Federal Constitution of Malaysia.

Old Malaysia: Islam was the religion of the Federation and Malaysia was not a secular country.

New Malaysia: Islam is the religion of the Federation and Malaysia is not a secular country.

Old Malaysia: Absolute power lay in the hands of the Executive and not in the hands of Parliament, the Judiciary or the Monarchy.

New Malaysia: Absolute power lies in the hands of the Executive and not in the hands of Parliament, the Judiciary or the Monarchy.

Old Malaysia: A gathering of more than three people needed police approval.

New Malaysia: A gathering of more than three people needs police approval.

Old Malaysia: Insulting the Raja-Raja Melayu, Prophet Muhammad or Islam was a crime of sedition.

New Malaysia: Insulting the Raja-Raja Melayu, Prophet Muhammad or Islam is a crime of sedition.

Old Malaysia: A Muslim could not marry a non-Muslim unless the non-Muslim first converted to Islam.

New Malaysia: A Muslim cannot marry a non-Muslim unless the non-Muslim first converts to Islam.

Old Malaysia: In a divorce, if one partner left Islam, then the children belonged to the Muslim parent.

New Malaysia: In a divorce, if one partner leaves Islam, then the children belong to the Muslim parent.

Old Malaysia: The Communist Party of Malaya was banned.

New Malaysia: The Communist Party of Malaya is banned.

Old Malaysia: Chin Peng’s remains was not allowed to be brought back to Malaysia.

New Malaysia: Chin Peng’s remains is not allowed to be brought back to Malaysia.

Old Malaysia: Muslim men could abandon their wives by just uttering “I divorce you!”

New Malaysia: Muslim men can abandon their wives by just uttering “I divorce you!”

Old Malaysia: Chinese and Indians considered Malays as immigrants.

New Malaysia: Chinese and Indians consider Malays as immigrants.

Old Malaysia: Most Sabahans and Sarawakians considered their states as colonies of Malaya.

New Malaysia: Most Sabahans and Sarawakians consider their states as colonies of Malaya.

Only Malays will work for low pay

Old Malaysia: Chinese and Indians refused to join the armed forces because the pay was too low.

New Malaysia: Chinese and Indians refuse to join the armed forces because the pay is too low.

Old Malaysia: Pakatan Harapan promised one million new jobs.

New Malaysia: Pakatan Harapan promises one million new jobs.

Old Malaysia: The unemployment rate was very high.

New Malaysia: The unemployment rate is very high.

Old Malaysia: The cost of living was very high.

New Malaysia: The cost of living is very high.

Old Malaysia: The rate of exchange was RM4 to the USD.

New Malaysia: The rate of exchange is RM4.2 to the USD.

Old Malaysia: The price of petrol (RON97) was RM2.47 per litre.

New Malaysia: The price of petrol (RON97) is RM2.50 per litre.

