Has Mahathir retracted what he said over the last 30 years?

Today, Mahathir whacked PAS for what they said about Umno 30 years ago back in the 1980s, which Mahathir said has not been retracted yet. If what PAS said about Umno 30 years ago is an issue, what about what Mahathir and others said over the last 30 years since the 1980s? Should all those statements or allegations also not be retracted?


Raja Petra Kamarudin

“Tak jadi apa. UMNO ini kafir, PAS kata dahulu. Apabila PAS bekerjasama dengan UMNO yang dikatakan kafir, maka PAS pun akan jadi kafir. Sebabnya, PAS tidak pernah menarik balik kenyataan itu… Masih ada, amanat Hadi kata UMNO kafir masih belum ditarik balik sehingga hari ini. Kalau PAS tidak mahu jadi kafir, buatlah satu kenyataan kata kami minta maaf kerana pernah mengatakan UMNO kafir. Tarik balik secara rasmi, barulah ada piagam,” said Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Today, Mahathir whacked PAS for what they said about Umno 30 years ago back in the 1980s, which Mahathir said has not been retracted yet. If what PAS said about Umno 30 years ago is an issue, what about what Mahathir and others said over the last 30 years since the 1980s? Should all those statements or allegations also not be retracted?

What about Mahathir saying that Lim Kit Siang and DAP are racists?

What about Mahathir saying the Chinese educationists are communists?

What about Mahathir insulting Prophet Muhammad’s beard?

What about Mahathir saying that Anwar Ibrahim is a sodomite (Mahathir used the word “sodomist”) and that a homosexual should not be allowed to become Malaysia’s Prime Minister?

What about Mahathir saying that Anwar Ibrahim is a fake and banyak main drama?

What about Anwar Ibrahim calling Mahathir Mahafiraun, Mahazalim and Mamak Bendahara?

What about Anwar saying that Mahathir and Tun Daim Zainuddin are thieves who stole billions of the rakyat’s money?

What about Anwar saying that Mahathir asked Petronas to spend RM2 billion to bail out Mahathir’s son Mirzan?

What about Mat Sabu calling Anwar kunyit and Al Juburi?

What about Lim Kit Siang saying that Mahathir is the biggest thief in Malaysian history?

What about Kit Siang saying the first thing they are going to do if Pakatan comes to power is to send Mahathir to jail?

Yes, the list is actually very long and can go on and on. Basically, while Mahathir talks about PAS not retracting what they said about Umno, Mahathir forgot there are hundreds of statements and allegations which Mahathir, Anwar and Pakatan people have also made, which they have not retracted yet.

