To believe or not to believe in the Umno-PAS alliance

But then people who believe in a certain religion or political ideology/party write as if they know for a fact they are right and others are wrong. They are merely expressing their opinion but that does not mean their opinion is correct. It means they are biased and their opinion is laced with prejudice.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

If you were to talk to a Christian, he/she will insist that the only way to salvation and to enter the Kingdom of God is through Jesus. Then you talk to a Muslim and he/she will insist that only if you believe in and follow the example/sayings of Muhammad can you enter paradise.

So, who is right, the Christian or the Muslim? For sure both cannot be right. Only one can be right and the other has to be wrong. Some might even say both are wrong.

Your opinion/articles will slant towards who you believe in and that does mean you are correct

The same applies when it comes to political views.

You might argue that politics and religion are two different animals and you are not comparing apples to apples. Politics and religion may be two different things but the reason for believing in one over the other is the same.

Religion is not a science. That is why we call it religious faith and not religious science. Science is based on evidence. Religion is based on belief and faith. In science you know. In religion you do not know. And faith is the word we use to explain the lack of scientific evidence that there is a God, Hereafter, etc.

So, you prefer one religion over another for whatever reason (such as you were born into that religion and you were raised to believe in it), and you prefer one political ideology or political party over another for your own selfish reasons as well (such as because of your race, your religion, or you believe that your future and that of your family is more secure under that particular government you support).

The bottom line is, you believe and have faith in that political party/grouping you support, just like the reason why you believe in the religion you practice. But does that mean you are right? You may be right or you may be wrong (in both your choice of politics and religion).

The belief in both is based on faith, not science, just like in politics

But then people who believe in a certain religion or political ideology/party write as if they know for a fact they are right and others are wrong. They are merely expressing their opinion but that does not mean their opinion is correct. It means they are biased and their opinion is laced with prejudice.

Ask a Muslim his/her opinion on the Bible or a Christian regarding his/her opinion on the Qur’an. Which opinion you will believe (the opinion of the Muslim or the opinion of the Christian) will depend on which religion you believe in.

In short, truth and falsity lie in the eyes and heart of the beholder. Right and wrong is subjective. And the same with the articles “Can Umno-PAS Save Malaysia?” by Dennis Ignatius, “A wonky PAS-Umno alliance can never be the voters’ choice” by Moaz Nair, and “Umno-PAS Alliance Is ‘Good’ For Malaysians!” by Prof Dr. Mohd Tajuddin Mohd Rasdi, which were all written not only from one perspective but from a pro-Pakatan Harapan and anti-Umno-PAS point of view.



Can Umno-PAS Save Malaysia? (Dennis Ignatius)

A wonky PAS-Umno alliance can never be the voters’ choice (Moaz Nair)

Who Cares About The Non-Malay Voters? (Raja Petra Kamarudin)

Umno-PAS Alliance Is ‘Good’ For Malaysians! (Prof Dr. Mohd Tajuddin Mohd Rasdi)

To Dr Tajuddin Rasdi: 1+1=3, Not 1+1=2 (Raja Petra Kamarudin)

The Reason Malay Professors Are Called “Professor Kangkong” (Raja Petra Kamarudin)

