‘Controversial’ meet has tongues wagging

Sources at the dinner party said that more Umno MPs could be expected to openly come forward to declare support for Dr Mahathir in the coming days.

Joceline Tan, The Star

IT was raining cats and dogs when guests arrived at Datuk Seri Azmin Ali’s Putrajaya residence for what had initially been described as a “secret dinner”.

But there are few secrets in Malaysian politics and the identities of the 22 MPs – 17 from Umno and five from PKR – at the dinner were being exposed via chat groups and social media even before they were halfway through the meal.

Those from PKR have since been slammed as “pengkhianat” or traitors by their party while Umno is considering disciplinary action against the Umno MPs.

There is nothing wrong with politicians from opposite sides of the political divide socialising except that very few people believe that the guests of the Economic Affairs Minister were there to enjoy each other’s company.

