Kenyataan penuh Zarul Ahmad Mohd Zulkifli kepada SPRM berkaitan rasuah yang melibatkan projek terowong bawah laut Pulau Pinang

BACA DI SINI: Kenyataan penuh Zarul Ahmad Mohd Zulkifli kepada Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) berkaitan rasuah yang melibatkan projek terowong bawah laut Pulau Pinang

Several Malaysian politicians on anti-graft agency’s radar over Penang undersea tunnel project

(ASIA NEWS NETWORK, 20 Jan 2018) – Several politicians are on the radar as anti-graft investigators zoom in on kickbacks of millions of ringgit over the feasibility study award for the Penang undersea tunnel project.

Sources familiar with Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) investigations said the monetary rewards were over “misconduct” by the parties involved.

“There were politicians who received a few hundred thousand ringgit and those who took millions.

“Investigators are digging in on the extent of the misconduct and where the payments took place.

“It is believed that this is also related to the two land swaps done as payment for the feasibility study,” said a source, who declined to elaborate.

The source said the MACC was recording statements from more witnesses to help investigators piece the puzzle together.

When contacted, MACC Deputy Chief Commissioner (Operation) Datuk Seri Azam Baki said the investigating team had gone to 42 locations in Penang and the Klang Valley so far and questioned more than 76 witnesses.






