Anwar to meet Melaka PKR reps whose absence led to defeat of ruling govt’s motion

(MMO) – Calling their absence “unacceptable”, PKR president Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said he will be meeting two Melaka assemblymen after the party failed to get its state senator nominee approved in the legislative assembly yesterday.

Anwar said he will be seeking an explanation from Machap Jaya representative Datuk Ginie Lim Siew Lin (pic) and her Rembia peer Datuk Muhamad Jailani Khamis.

Their absence in the Melaka Assembly yesterday resulted in the ruling Pakatan Harapan (PH) being defeated in its own motion for the appointment of state PKR chief Datuk Halim Bachik as senator.

“That is of course not acceptable, because they have to respect the decision of the state and our position is that we have to support the chief minister’s motion,” Anwar told reporters in Parliament today.

“Infighting or not, the decision of the state must be respected,” he replied when asked if Lim and Muhamad Jailani were absent from the state lawmaking House due to factionalism within PKR.

Anwar said he is in touch with Lim and Muhamad Jailani.

National news agency Bernama reported the Opposition Barisan Nasional assemblymen beating PH 13-12 in the motion to appoint Halim as senator.

Lim and Muhamad Jailani were not in the House when the vote was called.

DAP’s Gadek representative G. Saminathan who is currently locked up under the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012 pending trial for allegedly supporting defunct Sri Lankan terror group, the Liberation of Tamil Tigers Elam (LTTE).

News portal Malaysiakini reported Lim saying she had raised concerns before the motion was defeated.

“I have expressed my concerns before the motion was tabled… the House will have to debate and vote if the motion was tabled,” she was quoted saying in a brief message.

