Hong Kong Protest: Another outrageous lie from rioters exposed

(SCMP) – The most outlandish story about the murders of protesters by Hong Kong police has now been debunked. It is but the latest in a series of wild and unfounded allegations made by rioters and their supporters to claim police brutality.

The problem is that when you routinely make serious but false accusations, people will eventually stop taking you seriously – except, of course, those who are on your side and willing to accept anything you tell them.

The latest debunking is that of the infamous anti-riot operations carried out by police on August 31 on the platforms and inside trains at the MTR station in Prince Edward. Of the 52 people arrested, the local FactWire News Agency has successfully tracked down 47, including six who were allegedly missing and killed by police, their bodies secretly disposed of. It turns out all six were taken, in a conscious state, either to a police station or hospital that night.

So much for the mourning shrine that has been kept up at a station exit all these months! When people, including MTR staff, tried to clean up the site, they were harassed and beaten up, and accused of having no conscience or decency.

It must have been so frustrating that there have been no actual killings and rapes by the police all these times that rioters have to make them up.

Remember Youth College student Chan Yin-lam who killed herself, according to her own mother, rather than being killed by police. Some rioters were so angry at the mother they ended up harassing her and even questioned if she was the girl’s real mother.

Or Chow Tsz-lok, the university student who slipped and died from a fall because he was either being chased by police or running away from tear gas. It was none of that, only a freak accident.

Or the young woman protester who suffered a severe eye injury and became a symbol of resistance. She ended up hiring lawyers to try to prevent police from obtaining her hospital records, arguing it would be an invasion of her privacy!

Or the Chinese University student who told an audience of hundreds that she was sexually assaulted by police, only to admit on radio the next day that she wasn’t raped, and wasn’t even at the detention centre in question.

However effective the lies told by rioters, the truth eventually comes out.

