Yusoff Rawther lodges police report against Anwar, submits SD

(FMT) – Muhammed Yusoff Rawther has filed a police report against Anwar Ibrahim over an alleged crime last year.

The 26-year-old made the report this morning at the Sentul district police headquarters where he also submitted his statutory declaration to the police.

He wants the police to investigate the alleged incident which he detailed in the statutory declaration.

Yusoff, the grandson of the late consumer advocate SM Mohamed Idris, also said in his report that he has been threatened by certain parties after he held a press conference.

At the press conference on Wednesday, Yusoff claimed that a senior politician had committed a crime against him which he described as “un-Islamic, vile, insidious and morally repugnant”.

Anwar has dismissed the claim, saying it was a ploy to tarnish his reputation and that he would lodge a police report on the matter.

He said that lawyer Ramkarpal Singh had issued a seven-day notice of demand for Yusoff to retract his claim.

