IGP laments about the difficulties in bringing Jho Low back to Malaysia

(Yahoo News) – The lack of sincerity by the authorities of the country that Low Taek Jho is hiding in is making it hard to get him back, says the Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Abdul Hamid Bador.

Hamid said his outreach to his counterpart in the country over the fugitive businessman, also known as Jho Low, has been “disappointing”.

“We wrote the foreign authority a few times and even met them, but they have not been sincere with us.

“We told them that we had information that Jho Low was in their country but they refused to acknowledge the fact,” he told a press conference.

Hamid described the effort in seeking the cooperation from the other country as akin to “clapping with one hand”.

“I am extremely disappointed with their lack of cooperation.

“I don’t rule out the possibility that (if they seek our cooperation), they will be accorded the same treatment, ” he warned.

However, the IGP remained coy when asked to identify the country he was talking about.

“We have an extradition agreement with the other country, but they deny that Jho Low is even there.

“We have documents and records of his travels. We get better cooperation from other foreign agencies, ” he said.

Hamid added that Malaysian police have also obtained intelligence that Jho Low tried to purchase a few assets, including some in Cyprus.

“I vow to never give up in my efforts to bring him (Jho Low) to justice.

“We will also double our efforts to seize assets and items purchased using stolen funds, ” he said.

Hamid added that Jho Low’s case is a matter of crime and not about politics.

“Given the advance technology that law enforcement agencies have, it is almost impossible for any criminal to hide, ” he said.

Hamid previously said that Jho Low was enjoying protection from a state authority but gave no further details.

He also said that Jho Low was hiding on an island.

“My patience has limits when I’m negotiating with the said country, because we gave them our full cooperation in all issues pertaining to policing,” he said last month.

