The problem with Najib’s sacred oath or sumpah laknat

For all intents and purposes, nothing that Najib says and does is going to change people’s view of him. Those who hate Najib will go on hating him even if God Himself came down to earth to vouch for him. If Najib keeps quiet and says nothing they will whack him. And if Najib travels all over Malaysian swearing his innocence in every mosque in the country they will also whack him.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Both supporters and detractors alike criticise Najib Tun Razak for what they say is his lack of clarity. Najib should not keep quiet, they say. Najib should respond to the allegations against him or rebut what people say about him. Najib’s replies are too little, too late, lament many of his supporters.

The Altantuya Shaariibuu issue is a case in point, as is the 1MDB issue. These are the two issues that have hurt Najib the most. Najib did not properly explain these two matters or did not properly defend himself against the allegations about his involvement in Altantuya’s murder or in the embezzling of 1MDB’s money.

For all intents and purposes, Najib was tried, convicted and sentenced in the court of public opinion. Once that happens, whatever you do and say thereafter has very little affect. People would have already made up their mind that you are guilty as alleged and your ‘defence’ after that would be futile.

Najib’s sacred oath or sumpah laknat means nothing to those who hate him, Umno and Barisan Nasional

You might say the truth cannot be hidden and eventually the truth would surface. But then that is like trying to lock the stable door after the horse has bolted. The purpose of the whole exercise was to oust Najib as prime minister so that Umno and Barisan Nasional could be kicked out. What good would the truth do once Najib, Umno and Barisan are no longer around?

Many fallacies and myths were allowed to become the gospel and over time these lies could no longer be erased. Take the example of Private Adam. For more than three decades Malaysians were led to believe that Private Adam lost his mind and went on a shooting spree because his brother, a golf caddy, had been murdered by HRH the late Sultan of Johor.

Today, they tell us that this story is not true and that Private Adam did not have a brother who was a golf caddy and who had been murdered by HRH the late Sultan of Johor. But after more than 30 years people believe the lie and not the truth. They also ask why only now after more than 30 years they decide to reveal the truth after allowing the lie to remain for so long?

Everyone believed Musa Hitam was behind the Memali murders

The Memali story is another example. Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad was supposed to have been in China when that tragedy happened and they say it was Tun Musa Hitam who was the culprit in murdering Ibrahim Libya and his supporters.

When the Highland Towers collapsed and Musa’s son and daughter-in-law died in that tragedy, many people clapped and cheered and said that this is God’s retribution for what Musa did in Memali. There was no sympathy for Musa, only jubilation for the death of Carlos Abdul Rashid and Rosina Datuk Abu Bakar.

Today we are told that Mahathir was not in China but was actually in his office in Kuala Lumpur directing the police operation in Memali. But the deaths of poor Carlos and Rosina were celebrated for more than 30 years because Malaysians were angry with Musa for murdering so many people in Memali.

For more than three decades Malaysians were led to believe the Private Adam case was linked to the murder of his brother by the Johor Sultan

Yes, keeping quiet and allowing lies, myths and fallacies to become the gospel would be hard to change later. How do you think religion survived until today? For thousands of years silly stories were allowed to become the word of God and today there is no way you are going to be able to ‘set the record straight’.

A couple of days ago, Najib decided to set the record straight by taking an oath or the sumpah laknat in a mosque. And for that he is being condemned and ridiculed. Yes, for more than 10 years he allowed the talk that he was behind Altantuya’s murder to go on. In fact, they even say he was behind three murders, not just one. But when he comes out to deny that allegation he is condemned and ridiculed.

Hence do they really want Najib to explain himself? When he keeps quiet both friend and foe attack him. When he does not keep quiet they also attack him. Whatever he does or does not do they will still attack him. They attack him for speaking, and they attack him for keeping quiet and for not speaking.

The issue here is when people hate you it does not matter what you do or do not do. Damned if you do and damned if you don’t.

People hate Najib because they hate Umno and if Najib was in Pakatan Harapan he would be greatly loved

The bottom line is these people hate Umno and by extension anyone and anything associated with Umno. Umno represents Ketuanan Melayu and many, some Malays included, oppose Ketuanan Melayu. So, there is nothing you can do or say that will be right. Everything you do and say is wrong because I just do not like you…period.

Of course, they cannot put it that way. They will use excuses such as abuse of power, corruption, transparency, accountability, democracy, civil liberties, human rights, freedom of speech, and so on to oppose you. But when they take over from you it is still business as usual — old wine in a new bottle. Pakatan Harapan is a mirror image of Barisan Nasional and in some cases Pakatan is worse than Barisan.

For all intents and purposes, nothing that Najib says and does is going to change people’s view of him. Those who hate Najib will go on hating him even if God Himself came down to earth to vouch for him. If Najib keeps quiet and says nothing they will whack him. And if Najib travels all over Malaysian swearing his innocence in every mosque in the country they will also whack him.

