Malaysia’s problem is gila kuasa

So abuse of power and corruption come with the job. And if anyone tells you that he or she came to power the honest way without paying anyone for their support, then either you are stupid or they are stupid for thinking you are stupid.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

What most Malaysians do not realise is the real problem facing Malaysia is the problem of gila kuasa.

DAP and their allies in Pakatan Harapan tell us that the problem facing Malaysia is the problem of abuse of power, corruption, lack of transparency and accountability, etc. Lim Kit Siang keeps shouting the word kleptocracy non-stop and says that this is what the Umno-Barisan Nasional government is all about.

The truth is, all those ills are merely the symptoms or result of the disease, not the disease itself. The real disease is the disease of gila kuasa.

Power is expensive and costs a lot of money, money which you do not possess, so corruption becomes necessary

Gila kuasa is expensive. It costs a lot. And funding it requires a lot of money, money which you normally would not have. So you need to do many things, mostly illegal, to find the money. And this is where abuse of power and corruption come in.

This abuse of power and corruption, or kleptocracy, as Kit Siang calls it, is not confined to just Umno and Barisan Nasional. The Pakatan Harapan people are also highly corrupt and abuse their power as well. They have no choice if they want to finance their gila kuasa disease.

No one will support you or vote for you or help you get into power unless they can benefit. You need to pay to win a post in the party or win the election. It costs even more if you want to become a wakil rakyat, whether a state assemblyman/woman or member of parliament. And if you want to become the prime minister it costs hundreds of millions of ringgit.

Pakatan Harapan also has to practice political corruption to get into power

A simple ketua bahagian post can cost you RM10 million. A seat on the party central committee RM50 million. The post of vice president RM250 million while for the post of deputy president or president you need to talk about RM500 million or RM1 billion.

Where is this RM10 million, RM50 million, RM100 million, RM250 million, RM500 million or RM1 billion going to come from? You need funders and the funders will need projects and contracts to make that money to finance you.

This does not happen only in Malaysia but in many other countries as well, the US included. Only China does not face this problem because it is a one-party country. So maybe Malaysia should ban all those 30 or 40 parties and allow only one party to exist. And then ban party elections as well. Let the party leader decide who sits in his committee. Then no more party contest so no more corruption. Simple!

Chinese towkays spend billions to help Malays get into power and they are rewarded handsomely

Democracy costs a lot of money. It is a very expensive game. And to make sure democracy survives you need to pay for it. And you need to pay for it from money you do not possess. Hence you need to find the money through any and all means, mainly corrupt means.

In short, democracy is a corrupt system that corrupts society.

Democracy cannot survive without money and there will be no money without corruption and abuse of power. That is the long and short of it. No one will support you or vote for you or make you prime minister because you are a nice guy. It is because you pay them well.

So abuse of power and corruption come with the job. And if anyone tells you that he or she came to power the honest way without paying anyone for their support, then either you are stupid or they are stupid for thinking you are stupid.

