Yearly Archives


Wiki wars: Hong Kong’s online battle

Keyboard warriors have besieged Wikipedia articles related to the anti-government protests. (Reuters) - Beyond Hong Kong's tear gas-drenched streets and shattered universities, another battle has…

Kenapa Cina cari pasal?

Isu membawa balik abu Chin Peng atau Chin Peng's remains ke Malaysia tidak ada kena mengena dengan isu Peace Agreement atau perjanjian genjatan senjata yang ditandatangani di Hat Yai, Siam pada…

The Butcher of Bekor is back

By Capt John Seademon Six years ago a psychopathic god called Chin Peng, kicked the bucket. He died as he had lived – on a foreign soil, as a foreigner. Chin Peng was never a citizen of this…

Mutiny in PKR, bounty for others

To sack Lim and Jailani from PKR for walking out of the Melaka state assembly when it mattered the most could mean a backdoor entry for the Umno-led Barisan Nasional to take control of the state…

Mahathir and Germany

With the wrong choice for a leader, Malaysia might end up with an "Adolf Hitler", said Dr. Mahathir at the launching of the first alumni convention of Malaysia Future Leaders School (MFLS).…

Malaysia’s erratic foreign policy

Dennis Ignatius, Free Malaysia Today Is Malaysia’s foreign policy becoming increasingly erratic under the administration of Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad? That is a question that must…