Yearly Archives


Intipati Belanjawan 2020

(Bernama) - Berikut ialah intipati ekonomi Belanjawan 2020 bertemakan “Memacu Pertumbuhan dan Keberhasilan Saksama Ke Arah Kemakmuran Bersama” yang dibentangkan oleh Menteri Kewangan, Lim Guan…

Singapore to ban ads of sugary beverages

(The Star) - Singapore will ban advertisements of certain fizzy drinks and juices, its health ministry said, as part of a raft of measures to curb consumption of sugar in the city-state, which has…

Ignore DAP, says Musa Hassan

(The Mole) - Former inspector-general of police Tan Sri Musa Hassan has called on the police to ignore DAP’s “political interference” over yesterday’s arrest of its two state assemblymen, linked…

Tangkap Ramasamy, PAS gesa polis

(FMT) - Seorang pemimpin PAS menggesa polis juga perlu menahan Timbalan Ketua Menteri II Pulau Pinang, P Ramasamy susulan penahanan dua Adun DAP dan lima yang lain, dikaitkan dengan usaha…

Utusan and the wave of Malay dignity

During Najib Razak’s time it was totally unrecognisable as a newspaper, sounding more like a party pamphlet. But the rot started during Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s first stint as prime minister.…