Yearly Archives


Al-kisah Nasi Lemak

Peruntukkan antara RM800 juta hingga RM1.67 bilion setahun akan dibelanjakan untuk melaksanakan Program Sarapan Percuma di semua sekolah rendah tahun depan, kata Menteri Pendidikan Maszlee Malik.…

HK: All set for military intervention

(The Star) - Hong Kong’s leader Carrie Lam warned that the Chinese military could step in if an uprising for democratic reforms that has rocked the city for months “becomes so bad” but reiterated…

A deep sense of despair

It never once crossed my mind that covering this Malay Dignity Congress could prompt me to rethink an option I have long dismissed. Michel Chng, Sin Chew Daily On the day of covering the…

Trade War: Tough decision for Asia

(The Star) - Most countries in Asia would be very unhappy if they had to choose between America and China, and such a choice would be painful, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said in an interview…

Fake news spark mass panic in Indonesia

(The Star) - Thousands of Indonesians are still in shelters nearly two weeks after a deadly earthquake sparked a stream of fake news and hoaxes warning that an even bigger disaster was looming,…