Yearly Archives


Anak Muda & “Gig Economy”

Salleh Said 1. Hari ini ramai anak muda mengeluh tentang bebanan kos sara hidup dan juga pekerjaan , sama ada tiada kepuasan dalam pekerjaan dan tangga gaji, atau tiada peluang pekerjaan…

Power transition vs clash of ideologies

If PH is unable to quickly put itself in a more advantageous position in racial issues, which it is not an expert in, it may lose the next election. But, that is not the end of everything, as it…

This by-election, save PH by voting BN

Despite some initial steps at reform, PH seems to have lost its way. Their performance has been lacklustre to say the least. They plead for more time but appear to be wasting the time that has…