Yearly Archives


‘M’ for Manipulative

BIG DOG DOT COM There a good and prevailing chance that if and when ‘Piagam Muafakat Nasional’ is highly successful post 14 Sept 2019 that Gerontocracy Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad…

Hayati agenda sebenar Penyatuan Ummah

DEWAN Ulamak PAS Pusat menyeru rakyat Malaysia khususnya para pendukung PAS dan Umno untuk menghayati agenda sebenar penyatuan ummah. PAS meletakkan asas yang kukuh bersumberkan firman Allah S.W.T…

‘Stop using MACC as a political tool’

“Just because there is a complaint does not mean there is a case” (The Star) - The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) will not be used as a political tool, says its chief commissioner…

Why Sunnis fear the Shias

Hence why say Shias, Wahhabis, Qadianis, Ahmadis, etc., do not have akidah? Sunni Muslims of the Shafi’i school or sect also do not have akidah. The minute you make any decision or take any action…