Yearly Archives


Dr Mahathir is a statesman, says DAP

(The Star) - The DAP has dismissed allegations that Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is capitalising on the khat or Jawi calligraphy controversy to split the Chinese and unite the Malays,…

Is Mahathir Holier Than Najib?

Is Latheefah Koya, newly appointed MACC Chief handpicked by Mahathir personally, capable and willing to investigate this billion ringgit bail-out? Zaedi Zolkafli In March 1998, Malaysia…

We’re khat in yet another controversy

Dr Mahathir Mohamad was prime minister (during Ops Lalang) and he is prime minister now, and Anwar Ibrahim was education minister then and prime-minister-in waiting now. A Kathirasen, Free Malaysia…

Once the floodgates are opened…

There have been too may unfulfilled promises during the past 400 plus days. Can we trust another pledge made to the Jawi curriculum? Tay Tian Yan, Sin Chew Daily SOME SAY TO change a people…

Perkembangan baik untuk Bersatu

Ismail merupakan wakil rakyat yang paling awal keluar UMNO iaitu Jun tahun lalu, beliau sanggup bersabar selama lebih setahun sebelum menyertai Bersatu. (Sinar Harian) - Kemasukan Ahli Dewan…